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Friday, 8 August 2014

Reading Comprehension (I)

Reading Comprehension (I)

Dear Students,

Reading comprehension is the most important component of your English language section when in banking and other such competitive examinations. Being able to solve these questions accurately within the stipulated time limit has a direct bearing on your ability to get selected. 

Learning Objectives:

1. Meaning of Comprehension

2. Why is Comprehension included in the exams

3. Types of Questions asked

4. Tips for faster reading 

5. Strategy for the exams

Meaning of Comprehension:

The literal meaning of the word  "Comprehension" is the ability to understand something in its widest context.

The ability to comprehend is in turn again dependent upon the ability of a person to read faster, Skim for relevant information and the presence of a good vocabulary. Thus it is essential that you focus upon

(a) Faster Reading 

(b) Improving your vocabulary

(c) Developing an approach for tackling passages.

  • सवाल यह है कि, क्या क्या हिंदी माध्यम से पढ़े हुए अअ भ्यर्थियों के पास कोई  विकल्प नहीं है ।  क्या कोई भी ऐसा तरीका नहीं है जो उनमे यह विश्वास जग पाये कि  Passage को हल किया जा सकता है। 
  • आप निराश ना हों इस पोस्ट को पूरा पढ़ें और समझने का प्रयास करें शीघ्र ही इसका अनुवाद आपको पोस्ट किया जायेगा। 
  • सभी टीचर्स से भी निवेदन है कि, हिंदी मध्यम स्टूडेंट्स को भी encourage करें।
  • यह बिलकुल पॉसिबल है। मैं आपको कई सफल स्टूडेंट्स के एक्साम्पल्स दे सकता हूँ, जो इस तरीके को अपना कर कामयाब हुए। 
  • एक और बात यह सिर्फ एक तरीका है , और मैं मानता हो की आपका या किसी और का तरीका बेहतर हो सकता है।

Areas for selection of passages:

While selecting a passage for the purpose of examination, an examiner has several areas to choose a topic and frame a questions from. The choice of area and topic depends upon the need of the examination and level of competition involved.

  • For clerical grade examinations the topics are chosen from relatively simpler topics involving simple stories involving only a few number of characters and without complications. In fact the pattern of questions is pretty straight forward, the only advantage that one has is the ability to read fast. 

  • For Probationary officer and M.T. grade exams along with higher competitive examinations viz. the RBI, the U.P.S.C. or the Management level examinations the choice of topics ranges over a wide range of topics:

    1. Banking and financial awareness

    2. Socio - economic Issues

    3. Issues of current national and International importance

    यहाँ पर हिंदी माध्यम अभ्यर्थियों  को बताना चाहूंगा कि, भले  ही आपको यह लगे कि विषय कठिन है, फिर भी आप कोशिश जारी रखें।  अगर विषय बहुत कठिन है तो सबके लिए कठिन होता है। 

    कई बार पैसेज इतना  बड़ा होता है कि, इंग्लिश medium students भी चकरा जाते  हैं। ऐसा बहुत बार देखा है मैंने कि स्कोर इतना कम होता है कि सिर्फ qualify कर लेने भर से इंग्लिश में मेरिट में जग़ह मिल जाती है।

Tips for faster reading:

Before I begin, let me state at the very outset that there is no alternative to reading, One improves as one goes along. You simply cannot run away from reading. This is a habit that one needs to constantly develop and improvise throughout one's life. 

How fast can one be ? 

Your speed is not bound by anything and it is not constant, If you know the purpose of your reading, then you can accelerate your reading much beyond your known capabilities. In most cases trained readers can attain speed levels of 800 to 1200 words.  

Note : Reading speed varies according to the purpose of reading and the nature of  topic chosen. 

Guidelines :

1. Do not Commit yourself to the passage immediately. Make a cursory glance.

2. Skimming for relevant information while observing the passage.This involves moving fast without bothering to comprehend the lines until one gets a comfortable idea of the passage.

3. Before looking out for answers, read the questions first and then look for the lines    in the passage where you can hunt for the relevant answers. 

4. Make a judicious choice of questions and attempt them in an order that saves time. (we will discuss it in the subsequent lines)

5. Learn to vary your speed according to the level of complexity of the passage and the presence of information relevant to the needs of the questions asked. 

5. Note : Taking the first step towards practicing is the most important, remember you will improve as you progress.  

 The factors that reduce reading speed:

 Reading speed is greatly reduced if one does not take care of some crucial points while reading:

1. Absence of concentration is the biggest hurdle to faster reading. If your not focused enough, trust me it will be of no use. learn to focus hard on the text. Do not allow your brain to waiver or stray to other thoughts. 

2. Do not read more than once, trust your abilities to comprehend the topic and believe me it will show in the form of faster reading. I suggest while attempting your speed tests try to do this. I assure you that you will improve.

3. While traversing through a line reduce your eye fixation points and and increase the stretch of your eye scan. This is will save time. I suggest while reading try reducing your eye fixation to a bare two fixations per line.

Question Categories:

The questions that are asked in the examination can vary widely. But if a person has an idea of the question types, he can formulate an effective time saving strategy.

1. Scope based questions : Such questions require a candidate to identify the dominant and latent theme of the passage. The following question tags may be used while framing such questions: 

(a) What does the topic relate to ? 

(b) what is the main idea / theme / purpose / perspective etc. 

Mostly such questions are not placed at any specific place in the passage, these questions require a careful understanding of the passage and hence should not be attempted in the beginning. 

2. Questions based on details : These questions relate to various claims made and various information provided in the passage. These questions are simply of the pick and match types. 

(a) which of the following is true in context of the passage ? 

3. Inference based questions : Such questions require the application of the human mind and reasoning. This might a little deeper understanding. These questions may be easily identified by the following question tags :

(a) what is inferred by a particular line in the passage ? 

(b) What does the author imply or have in mind when he states the following ? 

4. Structure based questions: Such questions relate to the basic structure of the passage and its relation to its various components : 

(a) What is the function of a particular paragraph ? 

(b)  How is the third paragraph related to the first in the passage ? 

(c) How does the highlighted paragraph relate to the paragraph in a specific context ? 

Tuesday, 15 July 2014


Each sentences below consist of a word or a phrase which is bold. It is followed by four words or phrases. Select the word or pharse which is closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase.
1. History abounds in instances of courage.
A. shines
B. lacks
C. suffices
D. fails
Ans - B

2. The inhabitants of the island were barbarians.
A. civilized
B. cruel
C. uncivilized
D. bad
Ans - A

3. The members thought that the task was feasible.
A. impractical
B. impossible
C. difficult
D. impracticable
Ans - A

4. crestfallen he returned as he had never faced such humiliation in the whole of his life.
A. vainglorious
B. indignant
C. triumphant
D. disturbed
Ans - C

5. Feasibility of the project is under study.
A. unsuitability
B. cheapness
C. impropriety
D. impracticability
Ans - D

6. The incessant noise of the boring machine made it difficult for us to got to sleep at night.
A. intermittent
B. harsh
C. soft
D. constant
Ans - A

7. Unsettled conditions in the land led to exodus of hundreds of its citizens.
A. invasion
B. entry
C. immigration
D. expulsion
Ans - B

8. Many people try to resist reforms in the society.
A. fight
B. accept
C. welcome
D. repel
Ans - C 

9. Because of the economy drive, they very unwillingly surrendered some superfluous posts.
A. important
B. relevant
C. significant
D. essential
Ans - B 

10. The young leader was reluctant to shoulder the responsibilities of ministerial office.
A. wanting
B. willing
C. anxious
D. eager
Ans -  B

Sunday, 13 July 2014


In each of the sentences given below a word is printed in bold. Below it four choices are given. Pick up the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without altering the meaning of the sentence.
1. It is very difficult to retain all that you hear in the class.
A. keep
B. recall
C. preserve
D. conserve
Ans - A

2. The great artist life was full of vicissitudes.
A. sorrows
B. misfortunes
C. changes
D. surprises
Ans - C

3. She has an insatiable love for music.
A. unsatisfiable
B. unchanging
C. irreconcilable
D. undesirable
Ans - A

4. The great dancer impressed the appreciative crowd by his nimble movements.
A. Unrhythmic
B. lively
C. quickening
D. clear
Ans - C

5. The visitor had a bohemian look.
A. hostile
B. unconventional
C. sinister
D. unfriendly
Ans - B

6. The bullet wound proved to be fatal and the soldier died immediately.
A. grievous
B. dangerous
C. serious
D. deadly
Ans - D

7. The attitude of Western countries towards the Third World Countries is rather callous to say the least.
A. passive
B. unkind
C. cursed
D. unfeeling
Ans - D

8. In spite of their efforts, the team of scientists could not make much headway to solve the problem.
A. progress
B. thinking
C. efforts
D. start
Ans - A

9. On scrutiny the police officer found out that the documents provided by the landlord were totally fabricated.
A. forged
B. historical
C. prepared
D. genuine
Ans - A

10. Lack of occupation is not necessary revealed by manifest idleness.
A. easily perceived
B. easily acquired
C. easily infected
D. easily deflected
Ans - A

Thursday, 10 July 2014


[1] Word: Egocentric(Adjective)
Definition: Having or regarding the self or the individual as the center of all things: an egocentric philosophy that ignores social causes.

Synonyms: Selfish, Pompous, Self-serving, Self-concerned

Antonyms: Unselfish,Reserved, Shy, Timid

Example Sentence:
He is hastily generalizing from his egocentric point of view.

[2] Word: Facile(Adjective)
Definition: moving, acting, working, proceeding, etc., with ease, sometimes with superficiality: facile fingers: a facile mind.

Synonyms: Effortless, Glib, Fast talk, Proficient, Slick

Antonyms: Confusing,Hard, Laborious, Complicated

Example Sentence:
Genetic explanations for this sort of behavior areoften facile.

[3] Word: Banal (Adjective)
Definition: Devoid of freshness or originality; hackneyed; trite:a banal and sophomoric treatment of courage on the frontier.

Synonyms: Bland, Corny, Dumb, Mundane, Stupid

Antonyms: Intelligent, Original, Smart, Fresh

Example Sentence:
Background music never need be banal.

[4] Word: Imminent (Adjective) 
Definitions: close in time; about to occur

Synonyms: at hand, close at hand, impendent

Antonyms: Distant, Later, Far

Example Sentence:
Even though there were warnings that a storm was imminent, fisherman ventured into the sea

[5] Word: Bereavement (Noun)
Definitions: state of sorrow over the death or departure of a loved one

Synonyms: Sorrow, Distress, Tribulation

Antonyms: Comfort, Health, Happiness

Example Sentence:In some manner he had learned of my own sad bereavement, and hissympathy was shown in his manner rather than in his words.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014


A. Stopped
B. Paused
C. Slowed
D. Postponed
Ans - B

A. Command
B. Help
C. Defence
D. Safety
Ans - B

A. Serve
B. Explore
C. Try
D. Explain
Ans - C

A. Maraud
B. Contest
C. Ranger
D. Intuition
Ans - A
A. Courageous
B. Rash
C. Bold
D. Daring
Ans - B

A. Results
B. Conclusions
C. Difficulties
D. Applications
Ans - A

A. Advancement
B. Betterment
C. Promotion
D. Preference
Ans - B

A. Dreamy
B. Stupefied
C. Unsteady
D. Drunken
Ans - D

A. Barren
B. Arid
C. Childless
D. Dry
Ans - A

A. Challenge
B. Miserable
C. Deny
D. Disobey
Ans - B

Sunday, 6 July 2014


A. Indifferent
B. Indolent
C. Casual
D. Passive
Ans - B

A. Slavery
B. Subordination
C. Dependence
D. Submissiveness
Ans - C

A. Native
B. Domiciled
C. Natural
D. Resident
Ans - A

A. Affable
B. Natural
C. Plastic
D. Cosmetic
Ans - B

A. Disbalance
B. Misbalance
C. Debalance
D. Imbalance
Ans - D

A. Property
B. Assets
C. Debt
D. Treasure
Ans - B

A. Plain
B. Plateau
C. Precipice
D. Valley
Ans - D

A. Active
B. Mobile
C. Rapid
D. Busy
Ans - B

A. Object
B. Refuse
C. Grant
D. Accede
Ans - B

A. Humble
B. Harmless
C. Gentle
D. Tame
Ans - C

Thursday, 3 July 2014


Which of phrases given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark 'E' as the answer.

[1] The tea-estate administration is in such mess there is no leader to set the things right.
A. in such a mess here
B. in a such mess that here
C. in such a mess that there
D. with such a mess that there
E. No correction required
Ans - C

[2] They examined both the samples very carefully but failed to detect any difference in them.
A. some difference in
B. some difference between
C. any difference between
D. any difference among
E. No correction required
Ans - C

[3] "Friends and comrades, the light has gone away from our lives and there is darkness everywhere"
A. off
B. out of
C. out from
D. out off
E. No correction required
Ans - B

[4] Because of his ill health, the doctor has advised him not to refrain from smoking.
A. to not refrain from
B. to resort to
C. to refrain from
D. to be refrained from
E. No correction required
Ans - C

[5] They have a scheme of rewarding the best of the performers every year.
A. a best performer
B. the best among the performer
C. a best among performer
D. the best of the performer
E. No correction required
Ans - E

[6] What happens to all those travellers on the ship was not known?
A. What happened of
B. What happened in
C. What is that happens to
D. What happened to
E. No correction required
Ans - D

[7] Making friends is more rewarding than to make enemies.
A. to be unsociable
B. to be sociable
C. being unsociable
D. making enemies
E. No correction required
Ans - D

[8] The moment they saw me, they were delight
A. had delighted
B. were delighted
C. are delighted
D. have been delighted
E. No correction required
Ans - B

[9] He should not had done it.
A. had not
B. should had not
C. should not have
D. should have
E. No correction required
Ans - C

[10] No sooner do the bells ring than the curtain rose.
A. did the bell ring
B. did the bells ring
C. had the bell rang
D. had the bell rung
E. No correction required
Ans - B

Tuesday, 1 July 2014


A. Malevolent
B. Soft
C. Friendly
D. Unwise
Ans - A

A. Manifest
B. Palpable
C. Release
D. Entangle
Ans - D

A. Freed
B. Burdened
C. Convicted
D. Entrusted
Ans - C

A. Aggressive
B. Straightforward
C. Dignified
D. Supercilious
Ans - C

A. Mutual
B. Shaggy
C. Meretricious
D. Slovenly
Ans - D

A. Frugal
B. Thrifty
C. Stingy
D. Generous
Ans - D

A. Resurgence
B. Breakthrough
C. Continuation
D. Combination
Ans - B

A. Detractor
B. Enemy
C. Alien
D. Rival
Ans - B

A. Important
B. Unnecessary
C. Friendship
D. Likeness
Ans - C

A. Incredulous
B. Fickle
C. Easy
D. Stylish
Ans - A

Sunday, 29 June 2014


Which of phrases given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark 'E' as the answer.

[1] He never has and ever will take such strong measures.
A. had taken nor will ever take
B. had taken and will ever take
C. has and never will take
D. had and ever will take
E. No correction required
Ans - A
[2] Technology must use to feed the forces of change.
A. must be used to feed
B. must have been using to feed
C. must use having fed
D. must be using to feed
E. No correction required
Ans - A

[3] Anyone interested in the use of computers can learn much if you have access to a personal computer.
A. they have access
B. access can be available
C. he or she has access
D. one of them have access
E. No correction required
Ans - C

[4] They are not beware of all the facts
A. are not aware for
B. are not aware of
C. are not to be aware
D. must not to be aware for
E. No correction required
Ans - B
[5] We can not always convey ourselves in simple sentences.
A. cannot always convey
B. can not always express
C. cannot always express
D. can not always communicate
E. No correction required
Ans - C
[6] What does agonise me most is not this criticism, but the trivial reason behind it.
A. most agonising me
B. agonises me most
C. agonising me most
D. I most agonised
E. No correction required
Ans - B

[7] As there was no time, the remaining items were deferred into the next meeting.
A. are deferred till
B. were deferred till
C. were deferred to
D. had deferred with
E. No correction required
Ans - B

[8] Despite of their differences on matters of principles, they all agree on the demand of hike is salary?
A. Despite their
B. Despite of the
C. Despite for their
D. Despite off their
E. No correction required
Ans - A

[9] The man who has committed such a serious crime must get the mostly severe punishment.
A. be getting the mostly severely
B. get the most severe
C. have got the most severely
D. have been getting the severe most
E. No correction required
Ans - B

[10] For many centuries in Indian History there was no city so famous like the city of Ujjain.
A. as
B. such as
C. likewise
D. so like
E. No correction required
Ans - A

Thursday, 26 June 2014


A. Ungraceful
B. Rough
C. Slovenly
D. Dirty
Ans - B

A. Misadventure
B. Misgiving
C. Ambiguity
D. Blunder
Ans - D

A. Measurable
B. Proportionate
C. Begining
D. Appropriate
Ans - B

A. Collapse
B. Decline
C. Defeat
D. Disgrace
Ans - A

A. Responsible
B. Logical
C. Possible
D. Relevant
Ans - D

A. Diffusion
B. Disagreement
C. Different
D. Degree
Ans - C

A. Wild
B. Greedy
C. Angry
D. Quick
Ans - B

A. Unfold
B. Unchain
C. Combine
D. Unhinge
Ans - C

A. Conflict
B. Quarrel
C. Feud
D. Fight
Ans - D
A. Restaurant
B. Parlour
C. Living Room
D. Dining Room
Ans - D

Tuesday, 24 June 2014


A. Pride
B. Humility
C. Conceit
D. Ostentious
Ans - B

A. Hardly
B. Definately
C. Frequently
D. Periodically
Ans - C

A. Kind
B. Boastful
C. Generous
D. Indifferent
Ans - A

A. Dialogue
B. Prelude
C. Post script
D. Epigram
Ans - B

A. Limited
B. Caring
C. Foolish
D. Changeable
Ans - A

A. Expand
B. Distribute
C. Interpret
D. Lengthen
Ans - A

A. Adoptable
B. Flexible
C. Yielding
D. Rigid
Ans - D

A. Irreligious
B. Unethical
C. Irreverent
D. Unholy
Ans - D

A. Reliable
B. Honest
C. Prudent
D. Stupid
Ans - C

A. Unpleasant
B. Dangerous
C. Friendly
D. Strange
Ans - D

Sunday, 22 June 2014


Which of phrases given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark 'E' as the answer

1. The small child does whatever his father was done.
A. has done
B. did
C. does
D. had done
E. No correction required
Ans- C

2. You need not come unless you want to.
A. You don't need to come unless you want to
B. You come only when you want to
C. You come unless you don't want to
D. You needn't come until you don't want to
E. No correction required
Ans- A

3. There are not many men who are so famous that they are frequently referred to by their short names only
A. initials
B. signatures
C. pictures
D. middle names
E. No correction required
Ans- A

4. The man to who I sold my house was a cheat.
A. to whom I sell
B. to who I sell
C. who was sold to
D. to whom I sold
E. No correction required
Ans- D

5. They were all shocked at his failure in the competition.
A. were shocked at all
B. had all shocked at
C. had all shocked by
D. had been all shocked on
E. No correction required
Ans- E

6. I need not offer any explanation regarding this incident - my behaviour is speaking itself.
A. will speak to itself
B. speaks for itself
C. has been speaking
D. speaks about itself
E. No correction required
Ans- B

7. He is too important for tolerating any delay.
A. to tolerate
B. to tolerating
C. at tolerating
D. with tolerating
E. No correction required
Ans- A

8. The population of Tokyo is greater than that of any other town in the world.
A. greatest among any other
B. greater than all other
C. greater than those of any other
D. greater than any other
E. No correction required
Ans - E

9. The performance of our players was rather worst than I had expected.
A. bad as I had expected
B. worse than I had expected
C. worse than expectation
D. worst than was expected
E. No correction required
Ans - B

10. Why did you not threw the bag away?
A. did you not throw
B. had you not threw
C. did you not thrown
D. you did not thrown
E. No correction required
Ans - A

Thursday, 19 June 2014


A. Reliable
B. Honest
C. Prudent
D. Stupid
Ans - C

A. Unpleasant
B. Dangerous
C. Friendly
D. Strange
Ans - D
A. Ethereal
B. Concrete
C. Actual
D. Solid
Ans - A

[4] LOVE
A. Villainy
B. Hatred
C. Compulsion
D. Force
Ans - B

A. Disgraced
B. Unknown
C. Evil
D. Popular
Ans - B

A. Deficient
B. Faulty
C. Limited
D. Scarce
Ans - C
A. Copious
B. Extravagant
C. Generous
D. Ostentatious
Ans - B

A. Tasty
B. Stupid
C. Discreet
D. Feast
Ans - A

[9] ABLE
A. Disable
B. Inable
C. Unable
D. Misable
Ans - C
A. Courtesy
B. Hospitality
C. Relationship
D. Friendliness
Ans - D

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


[1] I felt the wall of the tunnel shiver. The master alarm squealed through my earphones. Almost simultaneously, Jack yelled down to me that there was a warning light on. Fleeting but spectacular sights snapped into ans out of view, the snow, the shower of debris, the moon, looming close and big, the dazzling sunshine for once unfiltered by layers of air. The last twelve hours before re-entry were particular bone-chilling. During this period, I had to go up in to command module. Even after the fiery re-entry splashing down in 81o water in south pacific, we could still see our frosty breath inside the command module.
1. The word 'Command Module' used twice in the given passage indicates perhaps that it deals with
A. an alarming journey
B. a commanding situation
C. a journey into outer space
D. a frightful battle.
Ans - C

2. Which one of the following reasons would one consider as more as possible for the warning lights to be on?
A. There was a shower of debris.
B. Jack was yelling.
C. A catastrophe was imminent.
D. The moon was looming close and big.
Ans - C

3. The statement that the dazzling sunshine was "for once unfiltered by layers of air" means
A. that the sun was very hot
B. that there was no strong wind
C. that the air was unpolluted
D. none of above
Ans - D

[2] But I did not want to shoot the elephant. I watched him beating his bunch of grass against his knees, with the preoccupied grandmotherly air that elephants have. It seemed to me that it would be murder to shoot him. I had never shot an elephant and never wanted to. (Somehow it always seems worse to kill large animal.) Besides, there was the beast's owner to be considered. But I had got to act quickly. I turned to some experienced-looking Burmans who had been there when we arrived, and asked them how the elephants had been behaving. They all said the same thing; he took no notice of you if you left him alone, but he might charge if you went too close to him.

1. The phrase 'Preoccupied grandmotherly air' signifies
A. being totally unconcerned
B. pretending to be very busy
C. a very superior attitude
D. calm, dignified and affectionate disposition
Ans - D

2. From the passage it appears that the author was
A. an inexperienced hunter
B. kind and considerate
C. possessed with fear
D. a worried man
Ans - B

3. The author did not want to shoot the elephant because he
A. was afraid of it
B. did not have the experience of shooting big animals
C. did not wish to kill animal which was not doing anybody any harm
D. did not find the elephant to be ferocious
Ans - B

[3] Harold a professional man who had worked in an office for many years had a fearful dream. In it, he found himself in a land where small slug-like animals with slimy tentacles lived on people's bodies. The people tolerated the loathsome creatures because after many years they grew into elephants which then became the nation's system of transport, carrying everyone wherever he wanted to go. Harold suddenly realised that he himself was covered with these things, and he woke up screaming. In a vivid sequence of pictures this dream dramatised for Harold what he had never been able to put in to words; he saw himself as letting society feed on his body in his early years so that it would carry him when he retired. He later threw off the "security bug" and took up freelance work.
1. In his dream Harold found the loathsome creatures
A. in his village
B. in his own house
C. in a different land
D. in his office
Ans - C

2. Which one of the following phrases best helps to bring out the precise meaning of 'loathsome creatures'?
A. Security bug and slimy tentacles
B. Fearful dream and slug-like animals
C. Slimy tentacles and slug-like animals
D. slug-like animals and security bug
Ans - C

3. The statement that 'he later threw off the security bug' means that
A. Harold succeeded in overcoming the need for security
B. Harold stopped giving much importance to dreams
C. Harold started tolerating social victimisation
D. Harold killed all the bugs troubled him
Ans - A

4. Harold's dream was fearful because
A. it brought him face to face with reality
B. it was full of vivid pictures of snakes
C. he saw huge elephant in it
D. in it he saw slimy creatures feeding on people's bodies
Ans - A

Sunday, 15 June 2014


[1] Today most businessmen are very worried. To begin with, they are not used to competition.In the past they sold whatever ...(1)... produced at whatever prices they chose. But ...(2)... increasing competition, customers began to ...(3)... and choose. Imports suddenly became ...(4)... available and that too at cheaper ...(5)...

1.  A. it
     B. he
     C. they
     D. we
Ans - C

2.  A. with
     B. by
     C. after
     D. from
Ans - A

3.  A. buy
     B. take
     C. pick
     D. want
Ans - C

4.  A. hardly
     B. easily
     C. frequently
     D. conveniently
Ans - B

5.   A. costs
      B. returns
      C. dividend
      D. prices
Ans - D

[2] As a rule of thumb, a manned mission costs from fifty to a hundred times more than a comparable unmanned mission. Thus, for scientific exploration alone, ...(1)... missions, employing machine intelligence, are ...(2)... However, there may well be ...(3)... other than scientific for exploring ...(4)... social, economic, political, cultural or ...(5)...

1.  A. manned
     B. unmanned
     C. space
     D. lunar
Ans - B

2.  A. liked
     B. wanted
     C. used
     D. preferred
Ans - D

3.  A. reasons
     B. causes
     C. clues
     D. objects
Ans - A

4.   A. moon
      B. sun
      C. space
      D. mission
Ans - C

5.   A. casual
      B. historic
      C. historical
      D. histrionic
Ans -  C

Thursday, 12 June 2014


[1] ABLE
A. Disable
B. Inable
C. Unable
D. Misable
Ans - C

A. Courtesy
B. Hospitality
C. Relationship
D. Friendliness
Ans - D

A. Busy
B. Congested
C. Quiet
D. Deserted
Ans - D

A. Emotional
B. Tragic
C. Fearful
D. Painful
Ans - B
A. Cheerful
B. Consistent
C. Fortunate
D. Shapely
Ans - C
A. Frail
B. Filthy
C. Firm
D. Flippant
Ans - C
A. Resentment
B. Dubiousness
C. Duplicity
D. Excitement
Ans - D

A. Division
B. Enumeration
C. Subtraction
D. Multiplication
Ans - C 

A. Acme
B. Top
C. Nadir
D. Pinnacle
Ans - C

A. Famous
B. Certain
C. Fixed
D. Important
Ans - B

A. Frequent
B. Regular
C. Lasting
D. Rare
Ans - D

Tuesday, 10 June 2014


[1] BARE
A. Uncovered
B. Tolerate
C. Clear
D. Neat
Ans - A

A. Sanction
B. Perpetuate
C. Pass
D. Cancel
Ans - D

A. Bliss
B. Depression
C. Indecency
D. Recession
Ans - C

A. Animated
B. Bewildered
C. Enraptured
D. Illful
Ans - C

A. Punish
B. Curse
C. Dismiss
D. Reprimand
Ans - D
A. Progressive
B. Brilliant
C. Inventive
D. Hard-working
Ans - D

A. Pure
B. Pretentious
C. Clean
D. Devout
Ans - D

A. Heal
B. Deceive
C. Examine
D. Strike
Ans - C

A. Never
B. Usual
C. Rare
D. Sometimes
Ans - C
A. Hindrance
B. Repression
C. Obstacle
D. Restriction
Ans - D

Sunday, 8 June 2014


Read the each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 'D'.

[1]  A. We discussed about the problem so thoroughly
      B. on the eve of the examination
      C. that I found it very easy to work it out.
      D. No error.
      Ans -  A

[2] A. An Indian ship
     B. laden with merchandise
     C. got drowned in the Pacific Ocean.
     D. No error.
    Ans - C

[3] A. I could not put up in a hotel
     B. because the boarding and lodging charges
     C. were exorbitant.
     D. No error.
     Ans - A

[4]  A. The Indian radio
      B. which was previously controlled by the British rulers
      C. is free now from the narrow vested interests.
      D. No error.
     Ans - C

[5] A. If I had known
     B. this yesterday
     C. I will have helped him.
     D. No error.
     Ans - C

[6] A. A lot of travel delay is caused
     B. due to the inefficiency and lack of good management
     C. on behalf of the railways.
     D. No error.
     Ans - C

[7] A. One of the members
     B. expressed doubt if
     C. the Minister was an atheist.
     D. No error.
     Ans - B

[8] A. I have got
     B. my M.Sc. degree
     C. in 1988.
     D. No error.
     Ans - A

[9] A. Having received your letter
     B. this morning, we are writing
     C. to thank you for the same.
     D. No error.
      Ans - D

[10] A. If you lend him a book
      B. he will lend it to some one else
      C. and never you will get it back.
      D. No error.
       Ans - C

Friday, 6 June 2014


In questions below, each passage consist of six sentences. The first and sixth sentence are given in the begining. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled as P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper order for the four sentences.

[1] S1: In the middle of one side of the square sits the Chairman of the committee, the most important person in the room.
P : For a committee is not just a mere collection of individuals.
Q : On him rests much of the responsibility for the success or failure of the committee.
R : While this is happening we have an opportunity to get the 'feel' of this committe.
S : As the meeting opens, he runs briskly through a number of formalities.
S6: From the moment its members meet, it begins to have a sort nebulous life of its own.
Ans - QSRP

[2] S1: A force of exists between everybody in the universe.
P : Normally it is very small but when the one of the bodies is a planet, like earth, the force is considerable.
Q : It has been investigated by many scientists including Galileo and Newton.
R : Everything on or near the surface of the earth is attracted by the mass of earth.
S : This gravitational force depends on the mass of the bodies involved.
S6:The greater the mass, the greater is the earth's force of attraction on it. We can call this force of attraction gravity
Ans - QSPR

[3] S1: Calcutta unlike other cities kepts its trams.
P : As a result there horrendous congestion.
Q : It was going to be the first in South Asia.
R : They run down the centre of the road
S : To ease in the city decided to build an underground railway line.
S6: The foundation stone was laid in 1972.
Ans - RPSQ

[4] S1: For some time in his youth Abraham Lincoln was manager for a shop.
P : Then a chance Customer would come.
Q : Young Lincoln way of keeping shop was entirely unlike anyone else's
R : Lincoln would jump up and attend to his needs and then revert to his reading.
S : He used to lie full length on the counter of the shop eagerly reading a book.
S6: Never before had Lincoln had so much time for reading as had then.
Ans - QSPR

[5] S1: All the land was covered by the ocean.
P : The leading god fought the monster, killed it and chopped its body in to two halves.
Q : A terrible monster prevented the gods from separating the land from the water.
R : The god made the sky out of the upper part of the body and ornamented it with stars.
S : The god created the earth from the lower part, grew plants on it and populated it with animals.
S6: The god moulded the first people out of clay according to his own image and mind.
Ans - QPRS

[6] S1: Smoke oozed up between the planks.
P : Passengers were told to be ready to quit the ship.
Q : The rising gale fanned the smouldering fire.
R : Everyone now knew there was fire on board.
S : Flames broke out here and there.
S6: Most people bore the shock bravely.
Ans - SRQP

[7] S1: You know my wife, Madhavi, always urged me to give up smoking.
P : I really gave it up.
Q : And so When I went to jail I said to myself I really must give it up, if for no other reason than of being self-reliant.
R : When I emerged from jail, I wanted to tell her of my great triumph.
S : But when I met her, there she was with a packet of cigarettes.
S6: poor girl!.
Ans - QPRS

[8] S1: When a satellite is launched, the rocket begins by going slowly upwards through the air.
P : However, the higher it goes, the less air it meets.
Q : As the rocket goes higher, it travels faster.
R : For the atmosphere becomes thinner.
S : As a result there is less friction.
S6: Consequently, the rocket still does not become too hot.
Ans - QPRS

[9] S1: A father having offered to take the baby out in a perambulator, was tempted by the sunny morning to slip into a pub for a glass of beer.
P : Indignant at her husband's behaviour, she decided to teach him a lesson.
Q : She wheeled away the pram.
R : A little later, his wife came by, where to her horror, she discovered her sleeping baby.
S : Leaving the pram outside, he disappeared inside the bar.
S6: She waited for him, anticipating the white face and quivering lips which would soon appear with the news that the baby had been stolen.
Ans - SRPQ

[10] S1: The city is almost a slum and stinks most of time.
P : The slush on the road did not deter them.
Q : The occasional slips and falls were considered a small price to pay for the trip.
R : They were excited, fascinated by the sight of fresh snow on the roads.
S : Even so, it looked beautiful to tourists of various categories.
S6: But some visitors came away with the unforgettable sight of young labours scantily clad.
Ans - SPQR